Monday, 4 January 2016

Christmas Day

  It was Chrisams day and I got four mysterious envelopes. I also got lots of big presents. I opened all the envelopes and their were four gift cards to the werhouse.  I suddenly realised I had enough money plus the money I have saved for two years to buy an Xbox. So on Boxing Day I went to the werehouse and got the Xbox. I also bought myself a mincrafet game. My mom got me some things for my birthday too. After a long time of shopping with mom we were home. My brothers and I were so excited to play the Xbox. I plugged the cords in but it wouldn't turn on. I saw a cord that was bent I tried straightening it but it snapped! So we went to the werehouse at 6pm at night. My dad talked real nice to the manager and luckily we got a new cord. We went back home. Then we got home my dad tried to hook everything up but it still wouldn't work. My dads last resort was to go to Mr. Norris's house to see if our 11 year old TV was to old for the Xbox to work on. Dad must have figured it out because it was 10:00 PM and dad woke me up and the Xbox was working!

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