Monday, 5 January 2015

What I got for Christmas.

For Christmas I got: two boxes of Lego- one was a car, and one was a minecraft. I got an electronic  bowling game. I also got a gift card. I want to save up for an Xbox 360. I got some clothes .

I even  had
Lego pJ's and a Lego shirt. I wear my Lego pJ's every night. Thank you for listening to me and leave a comment behind before you go.


  1. Jameson
    Congratulations on being the first student this year to post something on their blog about it. I thought that it was great that you included a photograph of the things that you received for Christmas. Whats your favourite item out of all the ones that you listed?
    Mr Webb

    1. thank you for telling me that. and your answer is my Lego pj's an thanks for leaving a comment

  2. Thats okay Jameson- I'll also let Mr Chittenden know he'll be thrilled that you've posted in the holidays.
    Mr Webb
